Creating labels from saved labels

Use the procedure below to create a label by retrieving and reprinting or re-editing a label that you created earlier and saved.

1.Click [Create a label from a saved label] in the top page.

  • If you are creating a label, clicking “Open” in “File” in the menu bar will open a save confirmation window. If necessary, save the label you are currently creating. Saving

2.In the Saved Data List window, click the file name or thumbnail you want to retrieve.

Create Label2

3.Check the information in the saved data details window and then click [Edit].

Create Label3

4.The editing window for the selected label appears.

Saved Data List

Save Data List

Select folder:

Shows the folder selection window. Select a folder containing saved labels.

File name:

Shows the file names for the saved labels.

Last saved date/time:

Shows the date and time when the label was last saved.


Shows the thumbnails for the saved labels.


Shows the comments for the saved labels.

  • Clicking “File name” or “Last saved date/time” enables you to sort the list in “▼ (descending)” or “▲ (ascending)” order.